Alpine Challenge Raises over £16,000 for Restart Rugby
From the 15th – 19th September 2021, a team of 11 supporters and staff took to Gran Paradiso National Park in Italy to tackle Restart’s Annual Alpine Challenge.
“I’ve never pushed myself so much, both physically and mentally. I did it for the players though. They’ve given so much to me, I just wanted to give something back…” - Anonymous
Facilitated by the fantastic CHX team and a handful of trusty guides, Team Restart put their bodies and minds to the test, conquering 3,500m of elevation and unforgiving altitude and weather conditions. The fundraising efforts of the team were outstanding, and they successfully raised over £16,000 of invaluable funds for professional rugby players suffering from serious injury, illness or hardship…
To learn more about the team’s epic adventure in the Alps, read Gary Davies’ blog here.
If you have been moved by the efforts of Team Restart and would like to show your support, please visit their fundraising page here to donate.